How to Stay on Top of Maintenance Requests with HAL ERP

How to Stay on Top of Maintenance Requests with HAL ERP

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Umar Shariff
Aug 27, 2024

Effective maintenance management is crucial for any Facility - be it rental property, Managed compounds or Industrial plants. It not only ensures smooth operations but also helps to preserve the value of your investment. HAL ERP offers a robust maintenance management system that can streamline your processes and keep everything running smoothly.

Any property maintenance falls under two major buckets - 

Preventive Maintenance (PM)

Reactive Maintenance (RM)

Preventive Maintenance:

In preventive maintenance, each asset or piece of equipment is assigned a periodic frequency at which maintenance activity is conducted. For eg: AC Chillers. Based on the contract you will sign with the facility owner, you will be required to do Monthly/Quarterly/yearly checks on specific equipment on the site. 

It is important to always take periodic inspection. Especially if you are servicing equipment that is covered with a Manufacturer's warranty, it becomes important to never miss a routine periodic check as this can be the deal breaker for claiming warranties from the manufacturer. 

HAL Maintenance module helps you create detailed visit schedules and have them assigned to the relevant team so that you never miss a scheduled PM check. 

Reactive Maintenance:

This is the ad hoc maintenance request which is to be attended to as and when a problem arises within the facility. This could be a sudden gas leakage which could be a high-severity item that needs immediate attention or a whirring sound with your AC which needs to be fixed without much delay. It is important to categorize each such request so that you assign the right team based on priority.  

Key Features of HAL ERP's Maintenance Management System:
  • Centralized Ticket System: All maintenance requests are logged and tracked in a single, centralized system, making it easy to monitor progress, assign tasks, and generate reports.
  • Automated Notifications: When a user submits a maintenance request, you'll receive immediate notifications on your mobile App, ensuring prompt attention to issues.
  • Priority Setting: Prioritize maintenance requests based on urgency and severity, so that critical issues are addressed first.
  • Task Assignment: Assign maintenance tasks to specific contractors or in-house staff, ensuring accountability and efficient problem-solving.
  • Tracking and Reporting: Monitor the progress of maintenance tasks, generate detailed reports, and analyze trends to identify areas for improvement.
  • Document Management: Store and access all relevant documents, such as maintenance contracts, invoices, and photos, within the HAL ERP system.
  • Integration with Other Modules: HAL ERP's maintenance management system integrates seamlessly with other modules, such as accounting and property management, providing a comprehensive solution for your rental business.

How to Use HAL ERP for Effective Maintenance Management:

As explained above, in case of reactive maintenance, a user will report a problem as and when they notice it. Be it an AC-related problem or a plumbing complaint. With the easy-to-use Mobile App, users can easily capture the issue with photos or notes and create an incident.

This in turn triggers an internal workflow which could look like the below - 

  1. Create Maintenance Tickets: When a user submits the incident, a ticket is created in HAL ERP, detailing the issue, location, priority, and any relevant photos or documents.
  2. Assign Tasks: Assign the ticket to the appropriate contractor or staff member. You can also set deadlines for completion and specify any required materials or equipment.
  3. Track Progress: Monitor the progress of the maintenance task through HAL ERP. You can view updates, communicate with contractors, and track costs.
  4. Close Tickets: Once the maintenance issue is resolved, close the ticket in HAL ERP. You can also gather feedback from the user to assess the quality of the service and identify areas for improvement.
  5. Generate Reports: Use HAL ERP to generate detailed reports on maintenance activity, including the number of tickets, average response times, and costs. This data can help you identify trends and make informed decisions about your maintenance strategy.

Benefits of Using HAL ERP for Maintenance Management:
  • Improved user Satisfaction: By addressing maintenance issues promptly and efficiently, you can enhance tenant satisfaction and reduce tenant turnover.
  • Cost Savings: HAL ERP can help you identify and address maintenance issues before they escalate, saving you money on repairs and replacements.
  • Increased Property Value: Well-maintained properties tend to appreciate in value over time. By using HAL ERP to manage maintenance, you can protect and enhance your investment.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: HAL ERP's automated features and centralized system can streamline your maintenance processes, saving you time and effort.
  • Improved Compliance: HAL ERP can help you ensure compliance with local regulations and landlord-tenant laws.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: HAL ERP provides you with the data and insights you need to make informed decisions about your maintenance strategy.

By leveraging HAL ERP's maintenance management system, you can ensure that your rental properties are always in top condition. This will not only benefit your tenants but also contribute to the long-term success of your rental business.

Are you ready to supercharge your maintenance game?? Discover the power of HAL ERP's maintenance management solution today.

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