How HAL Trade Manages Your Entire Trade Cycle

How HAL Trade Manages Your Entire Trade Cycle

Published By

Issam Siddique
Sep 29, 2024

In the cutthroat competition that presents itself in the trading industry,  businesses have to manage their trading cycles most efficiently. Efficiency is exactly what you get with HAL Trade. Right from forecasting the demand to placing orders to your Vendor to the final delivery of products, HAL Trade offers a comprehensive suite of features that is purpose-built to help trading operations to minimize errors and optimize efficiency. In today’s fast-changing landscape where businesses need to adapt to changing customer needs, you can only stay ahead with a system that is designed to be futuristic, modern, and easy to use. HAL Trade, with its conversational interface, and advanced reporting which is accessible on the move in Mobile devices, helps businesses gain  real-time insights, and make the right  decision to service their customers., 

One of the important north star metrics for the trading operations is the gross profit at each item level; many times this differentiates a good business from a poorly managed one. HAL Trade empowers businesses to achieve this profitability, while enhancing customer satisfaction, enabling the business to stay ahead in the competitive landscape.

In the following sections, we will delve deeper into the specific features and benefits of HAL Trade, demonstrating how it can revolutionize your trading operations and drive business growth.

Understanding Inventory Management

If cash is king, in the trading business, your inventory is the crown prince. Be it the spread of products, or the quantity at hand, or having the right product at the right store, inventory management is the bloodline of your business. At a very high level, inventory management involves tracking stock levels, managing storage space in your warehouse, and ensuring that products are available when needed to meet customer demand. Effective inventory management is crucial for businesses to maintain profitability, prevent stockouts, and ultimately determine a successful business.

Real-time Inventory Tracking: 

HAL Trade empowers businesses with real-time visibility into their inventory levels, ensuring accurate data. Typically businesses manage their inventory as a perpetual Inventory or periodic Inventory. It is a global best practice to maintain the stock as a perpetual inventory so that as a business you have real-time insights into each SKU (Stock Keeping Units). With detailed information on product quantity, variant, and location, HAL Trade enables businesses to make informed decisions about stock replenishment, allocation, and overall inventory management. This enhanced visibility and accuracy contribute to a more streamlined and effective supply chain.

Stock Level Optimization: 

HAL Trade optimizes stock levels through advanced demand forecasting and proactive alerts delivered through WhatsApp right to your mobile devices HAL Trade helps businesses determine the optimal quantity of inventory to maintain with the right notification. Additionally, the system triggers timely alerts when stock levels fall below predefined thresholds at each store level, ensuring prompt replenishment and minimizing stockouts. 

Location Tracking

HAL Trade excels in providing detailed location tracking features. By knowing the precise location of every item - down to the aisle, rack and bin, businesses can optimize their warehouse layout, improving picking efficiency and drastically reducing search times. This precision helps in maintaining order accuracy and enhances overall customer satisfaction.

Lot and Serial Number Tracking

For industries that require strict adherence to regulatory standards, HAL Trade offers advanced lot and serial number tracking capabilities. This feature ensures that each product's journey is meticulously recorded from receipt to shipment. Such detailed tracking is crucial for quality control, recalls, and maintaining compliance with industry-specific regulations.

Efficient Cycle Counting

Cycle counting is an essential practice for maintaining an accurate inventory - especially if you are following a periodic inventory tracking method, But it can be time-consuming and labor-intensive. HAL Trade makes this process so much more efficient by providing the right interface and tools to track each item at an SKU level significantly reducing the effort required from warehouse staff. Continuous and automated inventory checks lead to fewer discrepancies and more reliable stock records, ultimately supporting better business decisions.

Understanding Order Processing 

Order processing is the sequence of tasks involved in fulfilling a customer's order, from receipt of the order to shipment of the product. It typically includes activities such as preparing a quotation, converting that to a sales order upon receiving a confirmed Purchase Order from the customer, planning a delivery schedule, Delivering the material and finally Invoicing the customer and receiving the payment. 

Smart quotation Workflow : HAL Trade helps you take control of the complete order processing journey, first by letting you create beautiful-looking quotations with your branding , and lets you share them with your customers with a click of a button through WhatsApp or Email. You can design detailed workflows to get approval on the quotation from your manager. Upon approval, the quotation can be easily shared with the customer. This comprehensive approach reduces errors, saves time, and enhances overall efficiency.

Order Verification and Fulfillment: As soon as you win the order from the customer, HAL Trade optimizes the process of converting the Quotation to a sales order. While doing this process, the system can check all material availability across the stores. The system can further help you generate the pick lists and delivery notes,. This comprehensive approach ensures accurate order processing, efficient picking and packing, and real-time shipment tracking, ultimately improving customer satisfaction and reducing errors.

Invoicing and Payment Processing: HAL Trade streamlines the invoicing and payment process by automating invoice generation upon succesful delivery of the materials to your customers. With automated payment reminders and delivery of Invoice to WhatsApp, Email or through customer portal, HAL Trade simplifies the entire operations and helps you savetime, reduce errors, and mitigates the risk of bad debts, ensuring efficient financial management.

Understanding Financial Control

Financial control refers to the process of managing a business's finances to ensure profitability and sustainability. It involves tracking credit period, monitoring customer payments, , realizing the revenue, managing cash flow,expenses, and making informed financial decisions. Effective financial control is essential for businesses to remain competitive and achieve long-term success.

Expense Tracking: HAL Trade streamlines expense tracking by allowing businesses to categorize expenses, generate detailed reports, and tag expenses against the store, branch or the specific functions like marketing, transport, overheads etc. . This comprehensive approach provides a clear overview of spending patterns, identifies areas for cost reduction, and ensures seamless financial management.

Invoicing and Payment Tracking: HAL Trade streamlines invoicing and payment processing by automating invoice creation, tracking payments across your invoices, and keeping a close watch on the Statement of Account. This way, you are always on top of your customer payments helping you reduce your cash balances. 

Cash Flow Management: With multiple credit checks like customer category monitoring, credit-based Invoicing checks and alerts to display when the delivery has exceeded any customer credit, businesses can stay well on top of their cash flow. HAL Trade helps you get automated reports in WhatsApp with the latest customer statements and helps you design detailed reports to understand the cash flows  - be it direct or indirect cash flow statements in accordance with IFRS.

Financial Reporting: HAL Trade empowers businesses with comprehensive financial reporting capabilities, enabling them to create all standard reports for regulatory filings as well as custom reports for internal analysis. This not only ensures compliance with regulations but also helps in understanding all crucial aspects of business with tailor-made P/L reports and store-level profitability reporting. This flexible approach provides valuable insights into business performance, supports data-driven decision-making, and maintains regulatory adherence.

Understanding Data-driven Decision-making

Data-driven decision-making is the process of using data and analytics to inform business strategies and operations. By analyzing data, businesses can gain valuable insights into their performance, identify trends, and make informed decisions that drive growth and profitability.

Sales Analytics: HAL Trade provides comprehensive sales analytics to help businesses understand their sales performance and identify growth opportunities. By tracking sales trends, analyzing product-level data, and segmenting customers, businesses can gain valuable insights into their market, optimize product offerings, and tailor their marketing strategies for maximum impact.

Customer Behavior Analysis: HAL Trade empowers businesses to gain valuable insights into customer behavior through advanced analytics. By calculating customer lifetime value, analyzing buying patterns, and gathering customer feedback, businesses can better understand customer preferences, identify areas for improvement, and tailor their strategies to enhance customer retention and loyalty.

Inventory Analytics: HAL Trade's inventory analytics tools enable businesses to effectively track dead stocks, slowing moving items or items nearing expiry. This helps business optimize stock levels, reduce costs, and improve inventory management. By tracking inventory turnover rates, identifying stockouts and overstocks, and forecasting future demand, businesses can make data-driven decisions to ensure product availability, minimize carrying costs, and avoid excess inventory.

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HAL Trade offers a comprehensive suite of features that address the critical aspects of inventory management, order processing, financial control, and data-driven decision-making. By automating key processes, providing real-time insights, and fostering data-driven decision-making, HAL Trade empowers businesses to achieve greater profitability, enhance customer satisfaction, and stay ahead in today's competitive landscape.

Want to see HAL Trade in action? Take a demo and experience firsthand how this powerful software can transform your business operations.