HAL Timesheets Boost Productivity by 30%

Transforming Work Data into Strategic Insights: Automate Invoicing Process, Enhance Resource Allocation, and Make Informed Decisions for Project Success!

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Effortless billing, insightful reports: Boost project efficiency

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Maximise revenue, optimise resources: Smart timesheet management

Upgrade Activity & Workforce Handling

Effectively oversee projects and optimise employee productivity by maintaining firm control over project timelines and managing employee work hours efficiently.

Track Team's Progress

Get Clear Team Insights on
Projects. Monitor Expected,
Actual Hours, and Re-forecasts Easily.

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Enhance Project Profitability

Track Billable Time and Resource Allocation. Evaluate Profits and Losses Effortlessly.

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Streamline Client Invoicing

Automatically Generate One-Time or Recurring Invoices Based on Expenses and Timesheet Entries.

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Precise Needs and Resource Forecasting

Effortlessly Schedule Your Teams Across Projects, Accounting for Employee Holidays. Plan for Upcoming Projects by Leveraging Forecasts Based on Comparable Projects, Leading to More Accurate Deadline Estimations. Compare Forecasts with Real Timesheets to Enhance Profitability.

Strategic Resource Scheduling

Seamlessly plan team schedules, factoring in employee holidays, to ensure optimal resource allocation across projects.

Informed Project Planning

Enhance project planning by leveraging forecasts based on similar projects, leading to precise deadline estimations and improved profitability. Compare these forecasts with real timesheets for data-driven decision-making.

Why Choose HAL Timesheets

Tailored Operations Management for Every Business Size.
HAL Timesheets offer customisable features for seamless control on time tracking, project management, human resources & office administration. Unlock efficiency with selective launch across organisation or for specific users.

Automated Tracking

HAL Timesheets automates tracking, reducing errors and manual entries.

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Effortless Supervision

Monitor team productivity seamlessly with URL and document tracking.

Business Planning
Resource Optimization

Efficiently manage costs and expenses for streamlined management.

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Comprehensive Overview

Gain insight into ongoing processes for streamlined project management.

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Integrated Features

Shift assignments, absence oversight, and remote tracking.

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Unified Management

Get automation for projects, HR planning, and administration.

Futurist Workflows For Next-gen Workforce

Crafting Tomorrow's Work Experience: HAL ERP Redefines Flexibility and Precision in Time Mastery.


Flexible Scheduling Empowerment: Empowering employees with flexible schedules, enabling independent planning, and providing managers with seamless progress monitoring from any location.


Holistic Well-being Focus: Utilizing the Pomodoro timer to promote mental well-being through regular breaks, maintaining focus, and fostering healthy work habits.


Privacy Assurance and Efficient Resource Planning: Safeguarding privacy with the Private Time feature, disabling trackers for non-work-related tasks. Ensuring comprehensive resource planning by capturing all billable hours, including offline activities.
